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Date Title Published
August 25, 2020 Introducing the Redis Data Source Plugin for Grafana Redis
September 2, 2020 How to Use the New Redis Data Source for Grafana Plugin Redis
September 28, 2020 3 Real-Life Apps Built with Redis Data Source for Grafana Redis
October 15, 2020 Grafana data streaming meets Redis Volkov Labs
October 25, 2020 Observing Redis databases from Grafana Cloud for free Volkov Labs
February 2, 2021 How to Manage Real-Time IoT Sensor Data in Redis Redis
February 9, 2021 What is Redis CLI? Volkov Labs
February 12, 2021 An easy to use monitoring solution for Redis
April 13, 2021 Forecasting Stocks and Crypto prices using Redis, Prophet, and Grafana Volkov Labs
May 24, 2021 New plugins connect almost all of Redis for monitoring and visualization in Grafana Grafana Labs
May 1, 2021 Redis DataSource for Grafana Redis Developer
June 4, 2021 Analyzing camera feed in real-time using RedisAI, OpenCV-Python, and Redis plugins for Grafana Volkov Labs
June 22, 2021 Processing Time-Series Data with Redis and Apache Kafka Redis
October 1, 2021 How to create Grafana Dashboards for Redis Enterprise cluster in 5 Minutes Redis Developer

Plugin showcase: Building a single pane of observability glass

Jun, 9 2021 at GrafanaCONline 2021

Plugins allow users to extend and customize their Grafana experience with their choice of data sources, dashboards, and apps. But what makes a good data source plugin? In this session, we’ll go over the key elements of popular and effective plugins; show how to use features such as alerts, annotations, and query caching; and demo some new and improved plugins available now.

Redis DevOps with Grafana

Jun, 4 2021 on Redis Channel

The Redis Grafana plugin gives you real-time insights for your Redis servers and Redis applications. In this video you'll see how Grafana displays a server's workload, how to use the Grafana command line widget to interact with your Redis server, and a custom dashboard built to monitor an application built on Redis.

Elevate your Redis experience with Redis plugins for Grafana

April 20-21, 2021 at RedisConf 2021

Redis Data Source and Application plugins enable users to connect to a Redis database and build dashboards in Grafana to easily observe Redis and application data. Elevate your Redis experience with custom dashboard panels that add Redis CLI, Latency Monitor, biggest keys, and other useful functionality.

Real-time observability with Redis and Grafana

October 26, 2020 at ObservabilityCON

Do you want to learn how to combine Grafana streaming capabilities with interactivity to take Grafana beyond observability? In this session, you’ll learn about the integration of Grafana and Redis, the most loved in-memory database. We will present 3 real-life applications built with Redis Data Source for Grafana. Additionally, we’ll show you how to use the Redis Data Source and demonstrate the new Application plugin with custom panel and dashboards. Finally, we will touch on the new features of Grafana 7: data frames, transformations, and streaming.