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Analyzing camera feed using RedisAI, OpenCV, and Redis plugins for Grafana

This project demonstrates how to analyze camera feed stored as Redis Streams using serverless engine RedisGears, RedisAI and display analyzed frames with metrics in Grafana.

Camera AI


Analyzing camera feed using RedisAI, OpenCV, and Redis plugins for Grafana

Two years ago, Redis published an article "My Other Stack Is RedisEdge" introducing real-time video analysis in Redis. Since then, we introduced Redis plugins for Grafana to visualize RedisTimeSeries directly without adapters for Prometheus. Also, a recently developed Image panel can display analyzed with AI encoded image on the dashboard, eliminating the Video server.

Read more at Volkov Labs blog.

Camera AI


Camera dashboard with image panel and two most important metrics: Frames Queue and recognized people in the frame.

Camera AI

Camera processing dashboard with panels vizualizing Frames Queue, Processing Queue, Profile and allows to monitor and update RegisGears script on monitoring workstation.

Camera AI