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This command query a range in a forward direction.



Parameter Description
Key Key name
Legend Frame's name. Displayed for two or more Queries
Value Serie's name. Displayed in the legend
Aggregation Aggregation type
Time Bucket (Aggregation enabled) Time bucket for Aggregation in milliseconds
Fill Missing (Aggregation enabled) If checked, the data source will fill missing intervals


Type Description
None (default) No aggregation
Avg Average
Count Count number of samples
Max Maximum
Min Minimum
Range Diff between maximum and minimum in the bucket
Sum Summation
First Value with the lowest timestamp in the bucket
Last Value with the highest timestamp in the bucket
Std.p Population Standard Deviation
Std.s Sample Standard Deviation
Var.p Population Variance
Var.s Sample Variance


Streaming supported as Time Series and Data frame.


Provide the Value to merge streaming results.


Any standard visualization should work.